Boxing Utopia
Here is a precursor of what is to come...
Draft a contract. "Sign the release" and do not be legally obligated. Choose from mixed martial arts, kickboxing, or boxing. Boxing is the most popular form of fighting.
Many street fights are broken up by the police. Do not be afraid to box. Go to a boxing gym where there is no interference from the police. Give each other plenty of chances. Rid yourselves of any aggression. Settle your disputes. The penitentiaries will be less packed. Executive A is encountered by Executive B in the boardroom. Executive B says something offensive toward Executive A. Executive A challenges Executive B to box. Executive B declines. Executive A's mind is at ease; Executive A has a clear conscience.
Use boxing as an instrument. Stage a boxing exhibition match similarly to how wars are staged. Campaign for "No Fighting!"
In a capitalistic society, a hierarchical structure is formed. There is suffrage at the bottom of the hierarchy. Einstein states in his theory of relativity that everything is relative, but as long as there is homelessness, starvation, and poverty, how could things be relative at all?
Education is not that important. We are just eating off the knowledge tree.
I believe we are all angels. I believe this is all heaven. It has been clouded. As angels we must lift the clouds to restore heaven.
Angels live their dreams and share in each other's dreams. Sharing in another angel's dream is the earning factor. You will appreciate your dreams that much more.
As angels we organize and plan our dreams together. If all your dreams are guaranteed there is no reason for them not to be good.
Live your dreams, good dreams. It is exciting to pass along dream slips to angels in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York City, New York.
"I" is for individuality and good spirit. We have all been forced to shelf our dreams. The first step is to remember your dreams.
Boxing is really dancing in disguise, similar to the Waltz.
We have to learn to trust each other. Give away something that is insignificant to you. The other party gives away something that is insignificant to them; that is significant to you. You give away something that is significant to you. Both parties exchange back and forth until they trust each other completely.
If we had trust there would be nothing stopping us from giving each other the shirts off our backs.
Living in a Utopia is like being lost in heaven. For example, you are a lead actor in a movie or a film with a supporting cast and crew. Some day you are working a hotdog stand in Coney Island and some other day you are working in a corner office, overlooking the Hudson River. Some day an angel lives their dream and some other day that angel shares in another angel's dream. It becomes implicit or implied that we are good. Who takes out the garbage? In turn, everybody.
Imagine a world where all your dreams are guaranteed and you do not need money to survive. You often hear the expression: "Money is the root of all evil." Money leads to jealousy, envy, competition, power, etc. Money has no bearing in our Utopia, heaven, or rye.
There is enough agriculture to feed the world ten times over. We do not need to pay for food.
We were born into a monetary system. We could have been born into a system based on genuine, love and kindness.
The so-called monetary system could stay in tact if we all just loved each other.
A Utopia could be seen as a culmination of all knowledge.
Step through Disciplines1..N, collect only the good elements, cast everything else aside, and create good models for societal functions. Live a life without boredom.
U = The corner of Avenue U and Coney Island Avenue, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, and everything in between and everything inside and out
The Utopia presented in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World", where citizens found themselves sedated by pills to cope with society's everyday problems is not it. In a Utopia, dreams are ever present. Our dreams are simple, plain, and ordinary. But our dreams are good, kind, and wholesome. They are not as awe-inspiring as the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speech "I Have A Dream." My college professor would like nothing more than to become a Fly Fisherman.
In Communism, there was no motivation to do anything. In a Utopia, we are motivated to wake up each morning to live our dreams.
In a Utopia, we are all leaders because we all have dreams that are unique to us.
Utopians believe in equality. They believe we are different and the same. They do not believe in rank. They do not believe in reporting to a commanding officer. We work together for the common welfare of mankind.
Angels are assigned roles. There is an "Angel All" and an "Angel In." Combine them together to get "All In." There is an "Angel Good" and an "Angel Weather." Combine them together to get "Good Weather." "Good Weather" is what we would experience in a Utopia. Most theory is introduced at the University level in a controlled environment, before it is introduced into society to insure that there is no revolution or uproar.
How do we defeat vanity? We share in awards and prizes.
Television (T.V.) is a way for us to meet each other and not a way for us to create stars to idolize. Hatred arises if a seldom few are selected to appear. Use television to search for life-long, partners and friends. Some trucker has the cure to cancer. Put them on T.V.!
As Utopians, we believe in Interfaith. Some but not all religions, include: Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. Pull a book off of the shelf for each religion and put the contents of that book into a relational database, run SQL queries on record sets; try to find intersection points for genuine, love and kindness.
The Department of Defense (D.o.D.) and the Judicial Branch are not required.
A person may be welcomed into your home to be loved and cared for without money and poor credit.
Countries will participate in the creation of a World Flag. A part of each country's history would appear on the flag.
I have recently hung up my boxing gloves and retired.
Someone suggested organizing a "Rocky Run" on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles, CA, home to Sylvester Stallone.
Parade for the brigade.
Cooperation is immune.
Risk is not a factor anymore.
We are all imperfect in some way.
Do good deeds and commit kind acts.
"No sacrifices need to be made."
We will morph from human beings into angels.
"Be Good" Pass it on...
"What a demonstration of street knowledge."
"What a demonstration of street power."
"It's Easy Be Good" (Z Good)
"Just Be Good" (J Good)